2020 | A Year In Review

Ooof, I’m not sure where to begin.

Well, we all know that 2020 didn’t go as planned, for anyone. I personally had to cancel multiple flights, shuffle around at least 10 wedding dates for clients, and completely reevaluate my role as a business owner and photographer. I feared for my clients and hated the uncertainty of it all (and I still do). I mourned the loss of control. Did everything I could to safeguard my business. Spent a lot of time walking the dog and reading and attempting to stay creative in order to keep myself sane and level headed.

Collectively, we faced a pandemic, a tense and shifting political climate, the west coast burning, an election, isolation, and tremendous loss of human connection. Individually, I faced divorce, the death of a loved one, the uncertainty of an ever-shifting schedule/income, and the loss of all my sacred travel plans (if you’ve been following me for a while, you know how much that stings). 2020 is a year we never expected.

What I am hoping to take away from this wretched year is this; love always prevails and human connection can never truly be lost. Without my amazing clients and my dear friends, I would not have been able to withstand all the sh*t this year has thrown my way. For every client who pivoted plans but made it happen, for every person who reached out to me when I was in need, for every friend who FaceTimed me on a regular basis to check in, thank you. For every person who made it known, one way or another, that I was not alone. I would be lost without you. This job is truly my livelihood and that was made even more apparent this year, and I am so thankful. When it is safe to do so, I’ll find a way to come hug each and every one of you.

This blog is dedicated to my dear clients. Wether or not you were able to have your wedding this year, this one is for you, because I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for every single one of you. Thank you thank you thank you for always going above and beyond to remind me that this job is so much more than just snapping some photos. Cheers to resilience, and making it through an especially dark year. Fingers crossed for 2021. 🤞🏼